services: 3d printing

+fabrication offers 3d printing for artists, designers, and all projects in between! we offer services using both resin and filament techniques allowing full sizes up to

have a 3d file?

  • we can take most file types to turn your digital into physical!

don’t have a 3d file?

  • don’t worry, our team of artisans and modelers can create the files needed.

have a physical item to replicate?

  • we can turn most physical objects into large or small scale!

stereolithography printing (resin)

Stereolithography (SLA) is the oldest form of 3D printing. It works by exposing a layer of photosensitive liquid resin to a UV-laser beam; the resin then hardens in the desired pattern, and the object is built layer by layer until it is complete. This allows you to print a model with extremely fine detail.

Objects printed by SLA 3D printers have smooth surfaces, but often the quality depends upon the printer type. SLA resin printers tend to have smaller build plates, so you can't make larger pieces on them. Printing via SLA involves a longer process as printed objects need to be rinsed using a solvent and then put into an ultraviolet oven to complete processing

fused deposition modeling printing (filament)

Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is filament 3D printing, the most popular and readily available form of 3D printing available on the market. FDM allows you to print operational prototypes as well as ready-to-use products as such LEGO, plastic gears and much more.

Printed pieces have excellent mechanical strength and heat resistance. FDM printers construct 3D objects layer by layer, starting at the bottom and moving upwards by heating and extruding thermoplastic filament. This form of 3D printing is useful in all fields, from new product development to prototyping to end-product manufacturing.

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